Zach Bradshaw – Becoming “SEO Famous,” Ranking for my Heroes, & Building a Personal Brand
It’s time for Zach Bradshaw to call his own shots. I’m a world-class digital marketer. Now, it’s time to become known for it. Beyond that, I have other aspirations online. This year, all of the knowledge crammed into Zach’s head provides a tool for others and platform for myself.

Project Objectives
This is about national exposure. It’s also about building a personal branding service, incubating other brands, and joining various conversations. We’ll need some of our most powerful authority-building strategies. And in the end, this case study may continue for a decade or more.

Rise to Number 1 in Google for My Own Name, "Zach Bradshaw"
We have a former University of Virginia linebacker to displace. This is truly novel SEO challenge.

Create a Brand Hub for a Various Related Marketing Companies
Greensboro SEO Pro is the first piece in a larger pie. It’s time to put the rest in the oven.

Join Online Conversations Around Health, Happiness, & More
We already produce the best content online across numerous topics. Time to do it for ourselves.
Project Aspects
To this point, content on has been fairly shallow. We’ve never run campaigns for ourselves that compare to what we do for our clients. Now that changes. Our site will grow and so will our brand promotions across other important digital mediums.

Pilot Processes & Protocols for Personal Branding Clients
This is the most immediate priority. We’re looking to target this client base through 2020.
Develop Heroes, Favorites, & Words Pages, Plus Consistent Blogging is going to be become a massive site. It’s from a Know It All, after all.

Create a Solid Digital Footprint Across Most Important Platforms
This will have residual effects for both Greensboro SEO Pro and our brands in development.
Project Timeline
Monthly Personal Growth Posts
Jan 2018 – December 2018
This was really a precursor to our current content production goals.
These posts were awful. So what? They were an excercise in sustaining content production for our own brands. Other than that, they had a single SEO-based purpose.
These posts “seeded” Google, simply looking to show activity sooner.
Zach's Favorites Are Born
May 2018
The idea of Zach’s Favorites started brewing after just a month or two.
The original posts became data dumps. Useful as bookmarks, but little else. It made sense to move those elsewhere. These have recently become more functional.
Pages like Digital Marketing, SEO, Health, and Money Mastery are slowly coming together.
Zach's Heroes Are Born
October 2018
Again, the personal growth updates spawned more viable content.
Those like Gary Vee, Grant Cardone, and Les Brown became constant fixtures. Others, like Brian Johnson and Brendon Burchard seemed as though they deserved acknolwedgement.
In the end, Zach Bradshaw’s Heroes may be a path to dream clients. 😍😍😍
The 365-Day Content Challenge Begins
November 2018
This has lead to a content explosion.
Zach started a challenge to edit or publish live content everyday for a year the day after his birthday. It’s lead to everything above plus personal posts and content here.
Watch: The Best New SEO Training Channel
Read: Soon-To-Be Number One SEO Blog
Read: Really Want to Meet Zach Bradshaw?
Project Status
This isn’t so much a case study as a statement.
Too much of our best national work can’t be shared publicly.
It’s time to change that.
This is also an incredible opportunity to show and prove. We’re calling our shot. All that’s left is to knock it out of the park. We’re off to a good start—and the squad isn’t even involved yet!
There is plenty of work to do. Luckily, we’re patient enough to build brick-by-brick. After all, we’re laying a ninja SEO foundation for the long term. This is part of a 30-year plan.
First, a “recession proof marketing agency.” Next, a “trend setting full-service consultancy.” Last, a “world class investing organization.”
Betcha’ didn’t see that coming.
Google Ranking for My Name
Zach Bradshaw Network Properties
Projected Words on Site By the End of 2019
Pieces of Quality Content Live on Site
2019 Projected Pieces of Quality Content
Target Yearly Total Website Traffic
Like What You See?
If you have major ambitions for your business, SEO is the way to go. If you want to maximize ROI through accelerated results, choose a real SEO expert. We don’t out rank the big agencies in Google by coincidence. Taste test the difference yourself.
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Greensboro SEO Pro runs cutting edge online marketing campaigns customized for your business's needs. Our SEO services are built for long-term partnerships.
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SEO is one of the most complex digital marketing mediums. Search engines don't wait on anyone. It's no surprise that search optimization is so widely misunderstood.
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Greensboro SEO Pro
2400 Rowe St.
Greensboro, NC 27407
(336) 549-1992
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